March 31, 2001
Right before getting into bed, there was a huge noise outside somewhere in my neighborhood. It was far too loud to be either a car crash or a gunshot, but even after straining for 10 minutes and looking out the window, there was no commotion about it. Very strange.


March 30, 2001
It's so nice hearing the rain that I hope it continues when I go to bed tonight. There's nothing quite like the soothing sound of it coming down to lull me to sleep.


March 29, 2001
I'm sort of growing a mustache right now. Please don't laugh at me, because I'm laughing enough already.


March 28, 2001
Although all the little extra features and everything are nice, probably one of the best things about DVD's is that you don't have to rewind the damn things.


March 27, 2001
I think it had been something like 4 months or more since I'd left my work building for lunch, but today I did finally for once and absolutely every part of it (except for a couple random stupid drivers) combined to make it my best lunch in a long, long time.

taste     touch     see

March 26, 2001
Falafel and tasty fresh vegetables with pasta for dinner and mangos and strawberries for dessert. Booyah!


March 25, 2001
Sort of a spring cleaning day. Several loads of laundry and open doors and windows and a nice, fresh smelling apartment.


March 24, 2001
Lots and lots of new music is always a good thing, especially when it's cheap. Cheap music!


March 23, 2001
After 5 days of spring-like weather, the cold wind from the north went right through all the layers of my clothing and chilled me thoroughly today.


March 22, 2001
I hate hearing that I messed up. I did at work today, though, and it ruined my afternoon.


March 21, 2001
It's strange how much conscious of the weather you become when you're biking a lot as opposed to driving. Even a temperature change of 5 degrees is a big deal when I'm out riding around in it, whereas when I'm driving, I wouldn't end up noticing it at all.


March 20, 2001
I'm sure it's the influence of another person who likes to cook having come into my life, but lately I've been making up some of the tastiest food that I've ever had. Tonight, I made a pot of vegetarian chili and it came out the best batch that I'd ever done.


March 19, 2001
Biked to work for the first time in a couple months this morning and it was a good feeling. I fell into a rut of driving over the winter (even though there had been nice days where I could have ridden), and it was hard to snap out of.


March 18, 2001
Revisiting the sights and conversations of one week ago with the newest trip journal.


March 17, 2001
5 friends over for movie-watching and conversation. Lots of tasty food as usual and funny chats combined for another late night.

taste     hear

March 16, 2001
Instead of going out for a nice dinner, stayed in and cooked up some amazing vegetarian lasagna and garlic bread with the amazing girl. Sat and split a bottle of wine and ate by candlelight. Restaurants, phooey.

see     smell     taste

March 15, 2001
Who would have thought that the sounds of liposuction could be made interesting to the ears (thank you Matmos).


March 14, 2001
Sugar rush in the afternoon comprised of two sodas and 3 cookies. Which was good, because otherwise I would have drifted off during a training conference.


March 13, 2001
Sometimes it's really nice to just get home and climb into bed and after the past 3 days of non-stop walking and talking and staying up late every night, it was especially true today.

touch     smell

March 12, 2001
Driving home from the airport on the interstate with my brother, a car passed us doing about 95 miles per hour and swerved twice slightly before clipping the edge of a guardrail and slamming into the side of the bridge just 40 yards or so ahead of us. The front of the car disintigrated into a cloud of smoking antifreeze and came to a stop some 50 yards later. My brother and I ran up to the car and both passengers were conscious (amazingly), but stunned. Both airbags had deployed and the car was mangled. I thought I was shaking from the cold, but it had nothing to do with it.

see     hear

March 11, 2001
Read the journal of a sock monkey for Fray Cafe in front of loads of people I'd just met in person and many others I still hadn't met. Slightly nervous, but fun overall.


March 10, 2001
Faces with names. Hey, I've seen your pixels (picture) before and read your words!


March 9, 2001
Saw and talked with a friend I hadn't seen in years. Amazing how the time away fades so quickly.

see     hear

March 8, 2001
10 cloves of garlic used in the making of one meal equals firey food, but damn if it isn't so so good.


March 7, 2001
I accidentally left my coffee pot on all day today and when I got home, there was nothing left but stinky, black sludge at the bottom.


March 6, 2001
I know that I'm affected somewhat when I eat some sugary foods, but it's nothing like a 40 pound kid after licking a bowl of frosting. Dang.


March 5, 2001
Ate Indian food until completely stuffed tonight for a friends birthday.


March 4, 2001
After a couple lazy days, pushed myself with a hard workout and hopefully expelled everything from my system with an hour of intense activity.


March 3, 2001
I think it might qualify as what some would call "white trash" entertainment, but my friends and I sure did enjoy a couple rounds of midnight laser bowling. Whee-haw!

see     touch

March 2, 2001
Hey, wait for me! Wait for me!

Thank you very much...


March 1, 2001
The start of a new month and the first day of something really great.

touch     see